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3 Types of Custom Orthotics to Improve Your Foot Function

3 Types of Custom Orthotics to Improve Your Foot Function

Problems with your feet don't only affect that specific area; those problems can spread into your legs, back, and hips if you're not careful. But without surgery, how can you correct issues with your feet that change how you walk?

Custom orthotics are one of the many treatments Dr. Deiboldt and the team at Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center offers when you're living with structural issues in your feet.

Dr. Deiboldt is an experienced podiatrist who provides you with customized care and cutting-edge treatments to ease foot pain so you can avoid issues down the road.

What are custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics are shoe inserts that Dr. Dieboldt specially designs for your feet. Custom orthotics are very different from the shoe inserts you can buy over the counter.

Orthotics are for specific foot problems and help correct specific biomechanical foot issues that may lead to issues with walking and running.

While you can buy shoe inserts at a retail store, custom orthotics are more effective. Over-the-counter inserts aren't explicitly molded to your foot and often contain cheaper materials that wear down quickly over time.

We make our custom orthotics out of quality materials, allowing them to last several years when you care for them properly. Plus, Dr. Deiboldt has them custom-fitted to your specific foot imprint to ensure you get the best support and outcome from the device.

Over-the-counter shoe inserts may work for mild discomfort; however, custom orthotics are a better choice in the long run. They offer cushion, support, and even correction of specific foot problems.

When do orthotics help?

You may be a great candidate for custom orthotics if you're dealing with foot pain or discomfort when walking. Dr. Deiboldt thoroughly examines your feet and watches how you walk to determine which type of orthotic is best for you. He then takes a mold of your feet to create the orthotic template.

Various conditions may require orthotic treatment to reduce foot pain and inflammation. A few of the foot issues we use custom orthotics for include the following:

Medical issues like diabetes can lead to pressure ulcers in your feet. Dr. Deiboldt recommends custom orthotics when you have any problem that affects your walk or causes foot pain, especially diabetic ulcers.

Three types of orthotics help

At Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center, our team offers several options for custom orthotics to provide improved function and comfort. Dr. Deiboldt considers how much you're on your feet and how you walk to determine which type of orthotic is best for you.

The type of orthotic depends on your pain level and conditions affecting your feet. Three main types of custom orthotics include:

1. Functional orthotics

Functional orthotics, called rigid orthotics due to being constructed from hard materials such as carbon fiber or plastics, work best for shoes with closed toes and a low heel.

Dr. Deiboldt recommends functional orthotics when you have aches or pain in your feet and pain that travels to your legs and back when your feet aren't working correctly.

2. Accommodative orthotics

Unlike functional orthotics, accommodative orthotics come in softer, cushioning materials. Also known as soft orthotics, accommodative orthotics help alleviate pressure in some regions of your foot from diabetic foot ulcers and plantar fasciitis.

Soft orthotics are much bulkier than functional orthotics, so Dr. Deiboldt may recommend wearing them with prescription shoes to avoid crowding your feet.

3. Sports orthotics

Some doctors also make custom orthotics for sporting equipment if you live an active lifestyle. If you're an avid skier or enjoy ice skating, you don't have to give these activities up because your feet hurt.

Dr. Deiboldt can order custom orthotics to fit a variety of footwear, including specialized inserts to fit in rollerblades, ice skates, or snowboard boots.

Call Dr. Deiboldt at our Beltsville, Maryland office today at 301-804-1174 to make an appointment to learn more about our custom orthotics or book a consultation online.

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