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4 Essential Tips for Managing Flat Foot Pain

4 Essential Tips for Managing Flat Foot Pain

Flat feet are one of the many issues people deal with, but they only sometimes cause problems. Everyone is born with flat feet, but arches usually develop before age 10.

While many live with flat feet without any issues, others experience pain and muscle cramps from the lack of an arch. Unfortunately, you can't develop arches overnight, but you can get some relief with simple tips.

At Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center, Dr. David Deiboldt offers various foot and ankle treatments for flat feet and other issues. Dr. Deiboldt is a foot and ankle specialist offering custom orthotics and other therapies for painful feet.

Are flat feet always painful?

Flat feet are a condition where the foot has no visible arch when sitting or standing. Everyone has flat feet as babies, but the arches typically form during childhood. When they don't, flat feet are the result.

In most cases, flat feet don't cause an issue, and many people live with them without problems. However, the lack of an arch can cause various forms of discomfort, including:

People living with flat feet may have a rigid or flexible form of the condition. Flexible flat feet are prevalent and happen when you can see an arch when you sit, but the arch disappears when standing.

Rigid flat feet happen when there's no visible arch, no matter what you do. Adults can also lose their arches when they unexpectedly drop, causing pain.

Not everyone with a flat foot requires treatment, especially if you don't have pain. However, most people adopt stretching exercises and shoe changes to improve discomfort.

Tips for managing flat foot discomfort

Managing discomfort from flat feet is relatively simple, especially when you know where to start. Dr. Deiboldt offers the following four essential tips to get relief from flat feet pain:

1. Take NSAIDs

You can effectively manage minor pain from flat feet with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like NSAIDs. These medications target areas of inflammation, successfully reducing it to provide relief.

2. Stretch, stretch, stretch

Stretching the feet to relieve tension on a tight Achilles tendon is a great way to get relief. Dr. Deiboldt provides various stretching exercises to lengthen the Achilles tendon and make the feet more flexible, providing long-term relief from pain.

3. Modify your activities

Activities that put a lot of pressure or strain on the feet can increase pain without arches. Resting for the appropriate time and switching to low-impact exercises often helps. Avoid activities that require jumping and running.

4. Lose weight

Excess weight puts a lot of pressure on the feet, sometimes worsening discomfort from flat feet. Losing even ten pounds reduces strain on the feet and tendons, usually providing lasting relief.

Other treatments that help

Sometimes, home remedies and lifestyle changes aren't enough to reduce pain to a tolerable level. In that case, Dr. Deiboldt offers other flat feet treatments to support the foot and give you long-term pain relief. These include:

Custom orthotics

Shoe inserts, or orthotics, are a great way to give your feet the support and comfort required with flat feet. Dr. Deiboldt provides custom orthotics that fit precisely to your feet and need a personalized option for foot, ankle, knee, and hip discomfort.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is another excellent option when you're living with flat feet. A therapist pinpoints the areas of need and provides exercises, stretches, and balance poses to strengthen the tendons and tissues in the foot for increased support and comfort.


Surgery is often the last resort when it comes to flat feet. If you've tried lifestyle modifications and conservative measures without relief, Dr. Deiboldt may recommend a surgical consultation to discuss your options for permanent relief.

Call Beltsville Foot and Ankle Care today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Deiboldt for flat feet or request one on our website.

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