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5 Ways To Improve Your Heel Pain

Improve Your Heel Pain

The largest of the 26 bones in your foot, the heel is the most vulnerable to injury and pain. And let’s face it: Heel pain can be quite a nuisance! It is, however, a common one.

Most people feel heel pain either under the heel or behind it. Whether your heel pain is caused by arch problems, heel spurs, a pinched nerve, stress fractures, tendonitis or something else, there are a few things you can try to get some much needed relief.

Here are 5 ways to improve your heel pain:

1. Rest your feet.

That’s right – just give your feet a well-deserved break! Be especially kind to them and avoid running or standing for long periods of time. If you can, avoid walking on hard surfaces as well. If you must walk on hardwood floors, marble or tile, invest in a soft and cushioned pair of slippers. This will ease the stress put on your feet, and your heels will thank you!

2. Use Orthotics.

Many people consider orthotics one of the best ways to improve heel pain. Most orthotics are affordable and effective, supporting the arches and re-aligning the foot. You can get orthotics that are custom made with a prescription, or you can even buy a less-expensive pair over the counter.

3. Stretch your feet often.

Plantar fasciitis is the most common condition that causes heel pain. This occurs when the connective tissue that runs on the bottom of your foot from your heel to your toes becomes inflamed. This tissue is called the plantar fascia. You can stretch it by holding the toes on the hurt foot and pulling them towards your shin. This will stretch your foot’s arch. You can also roll your arch over a small ball, such as a tennis ball. Stretching the Achilles tendon may help as well.

4. Use ice.

Ice can help with the inflammation that occurs with heel pain. Remember: It’s best to use ice as soon as the pain occurs. Once the condition becomes a chronic one, ice will not be much help. However, if you catch it in time, ice can be lifesaver! You can use a cold pack on your heel (either a bag of frozen veggies or an ice pack). Or you can even use an ice cube to massage your heel. Never use heat to treat the pain, as heat can increase inflammation and make the pain worse.

5. Wear shoes that support your feet.

More often than not, we wear shoes that look nice but do not feel very nice on our feet. Your heels don’t care about fashion! Take care of them by wearing shoes that support your arches and are cushioned well for your feet and heels. Also make sure that your shoes are not too tight or too loose. This will cause a lack of proper support and more pain.

Heel pain can be difficult to deal with, but by following these few simple tips you just may be able to heal your heels!

Do you have heel pain? Does it hurt when you walk?

Give us a call today at 301-937-5666 or fill out the form on the top right of this page to schedule your appointment to have you heel(s) checked out.

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