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7 Healthy Foot Benefits Of Orthopedic Shoes

Healthy Foot Benefits Of Orthopedic Shoes

Healthy Foot Benefits Of Orthopedic Shoes

Long ago, orthopedic shoes weren’t the most attractive looking footwear.

However, they still provided many valuable benefits to the wearer.

Nowadays, you can find orthopedic shoes in fashionable styles. That means there’s no excuse not to take proper care of your feet!

For this reason, we’ve compiled these 7 healthy foot benefits of orthopedic shoes for you to read through:

1. Orthopedic shoes provide great support.

Not only are they designed to cater to your arches, but orthopedic shoes cushion your heels and can help realign your foot. Without this support and proper alignment, painful and frustrating issues such as flat foot and plantar fasciitis can occur.

2. Foot pain can be diminished by wearing orthopedic shoes.

5,000 to 10,000 footsteps. That’s how much the average person walks per day. If you are wearing poor-fitting shoes, imagine the damage you are doing to your foot by walking that many steps in them per day.

Orthopedic shoes give your toes the room needed to move around comfortably, and they often come in sizes and widths not available in regular shoes. They prevent your feet from rubbing against the inside of the shoes, and don’t have heels that will push your feet forward into unnatural and uncomfortable positions.

3. Wearing orthopedic shoes can encourage blood flow.

If you suffer from diabetic nerve pain, orthopedic shoes can be your best friends. It’s so important for those suffering from diabetic neuropathy to wear shoes that are comfortable and have great arch support.

As diabetic neuropathy lessens a diabetic’s ability to feel much in the foot area, injuries to the foot may go unnoticed. Neuropathy also lessens the circulation in the feet. Wearing orthopedic shoes will allow the foot room to move and function in a healthy environment. They can actually save diabetics from losing a foot.

4. Orthopedic shoes cost less than having foot surgery!

Not taking good care of your feet will most likely catch up with you, even if it’s in old age. Wearing orthopedic shoes when you have foot pain or other foot issues can prevent the need for costly surgery down the road. Consider these shoes preventative maintenance.

5. Foot problems can be corrected with orthopedic shoes.

Because they can help realign feet and preserve arches, orthopedic shoes can be a solution to the foot problems you’ve been having. Far too often, major foot issues occur simply from wearing the wrong shoes.

6. Orthopedic shoes equal mobility for some people.

Chronic foot pain and issues such as flat feet, plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammertoe and heel spurs can not only slow someone down – but they can stop someone from being able to walk all together. Cushioned, roomy orthopedic shoes can give someone back his or her mobility.

7. Orthopedic shoes are simply good for your feet!

There’s no denying it – orthopedic shoes will make your feet feel good. Not only will wearing them help you to avoid injuries now, but down the road you will thank yourself for making the smart choice to invest in a pair!

Next Step…

To find out if Orthopedic Shoes would be right for you, give us a call today to schedule a consultation with one of our podiatrists at 301-937-5666 or simply fill out the form on the top right of this page.

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