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Big Tips For Choosing A College Park Podiatry Clinic

Tips For Choosing A College Park Podiatry Clinic

You can do a lot of things to take care of your feet. You can wear comfortable shoes, ones that truly fit and ones designed for your foot type.

You can exercise the complex network of muscles in your feet by walking everyday. You can moisturize your feet after washing so they stay soft. And you can get proper advice from a medical professional specializing exclusively in foot and ankle conditions.

Get medical help from a podiatrist.

College Park in Maryland is a good place to start your search for a podiatrist. It’s recommended, aside from a board certification, that you pick a podiatrist who is a member of the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) as this indicates professional excellence and a dedication to the continued advancement of podiatric medicine. APMA members follow a strict professional code of ethics and gain extensive resources.

A Comprehensive List Of Services

In addition to relevant credentials and membership to professional associations, the College Park podiatry clinic you choose should, ideally, incorporate a comprehensive list of services. Some podiatrists will specialize in pediatric podiatry while others have gained expertise in surgery. It would be better to get treatment and care from a podiatry clinic that can offer both medical and surgical services, on wide-ranging conditions.

Expertise In Complex Conditions

You’ll want to look for expertise in complex conditions such as arthritic foot and ankle care, geriatric foot care, diabetic foot infections, neuromas, and ingrown toenails. Naturally, you’ll want to see diagnosis and treatment of more common conditions such as athlete’s foot, flat feet, calluses, corns, injuries, and others. If the podiatry clinic carries out surgeries, you’ll also want to confirm its license, authorizing the clinic to operate in the state of Maryland.

You Want To Feel Comfortable

You may want to inquire about several clinics so that you have more options to choose from, in terms of services, qualifications, rates, and approach to treatment. This will mean going in for those initial consultations so that you determine how the podiatrist will handle your appointment. From taking the usual medical history to doing the physical examination, you’ll want to feel as comfortable as possible with your podiatrist, and not just feel confident about your doctor’s qualifications and skills.

Seek A Referral

Another way to get care and treatment from a qualified podiatrist would be to seek a referral from your general practitioner (GP). Most GPs will be able to offer you proper referrals especially when they think a medical condition will need a specialist.

Photo Credit

Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center

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