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Custom Made Orthotics With 3D Foot Scanning Technology

Are you experiencing any of the following?

Have you tried over-the-coutner store bought orthotics with little to no results?

Custom made orthotics may be a solution to your problem(s).

3D Technology

We offer state-of-the-art 3D foot scanning technology to get you the most accurate fit possible.

Our system takes a 3 dimensional scan of your foot and then the orthotics are custom molded to the exact specific shape and contour of your foot.

Your feet are unique to you, like your fingerprint, and this is why a one size fits all store bought orthotic may not give you great results.

The orthotics that we offer are professional grade and have also proven to last much longer than store bought orthotics.

May Be Covered By Your Health Insurance

Your health insurance plan may cover the cost of your orthotics, we are happy to check this for you.

Schedule A Custom Fitting Today

Call us today at 301-937-5666 or fill out the form on the top right of this page to schedule a custom fitting with one of our board certified podiatrists.

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