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Foot Care Advice For Women From A Trusted Podiatrist Columbia MD Locals Recommend

Foot Care Advice For Women

Everyone knows that women will suffer intensely just to be able to wear a new pair of sassy shoes (like Manolo Blahniks, Jimmy Choos and Christian Louboutins) – there’s the great Oprah Winfrey and the women of the TV series “Sex in the City” as perfect examples.

Pointy shoes with heels that can turn you into a human Eiffel Tower (actually, more like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, if you’re not particularly skilled in wearing and walking in stiletto heels) are actually torturous for your feet; the burden of balancing your weight is placed on the front balls of your feet and toes — so don’t be surprised if you frequently have pain stemming from your feet and radiating all the way to the back of your knees.

Not Just Pain

But pain is not all that women subject their feet to due to their favorite choices of footwear. Many women suffer from ugly calluses and corns, nail disorders such as disfigured nails and ingrown toenails and skin infections.

As they get older, the harder it gets to treat these issues. If you do not want to suffer excruciating foot pain that will prevent you from being as active, you may want to make some changes in how you treat your feet.

Foot Care Tips For Women

A trusted podiatrist Columbia MD locals turn to, has rounded up some foot care tips for women who want to avoid these common foot problems; these tips do not only support good foot health but overall physical health as well, and if you wish to treat your feet better, you’ll do well to follow these provided tips.

  1. Wear sensible shoes most of the time and reserve the flashy high heels for special occasions. It’s important to point out that sensible shoes are not necessarily those nice ballet flats, because those shoes can also morph the natural shape of your feet. If you want the best and comfiest shoes, consult your podiatrist regarding the recommended heel height for your shoes that will help evenly distribute your body’s weight throughout your feet, help your posture, and maintain your foot’s natural shape.
  2. Do not wear the same pair of shoes every day. This is not only for style purposes but also to prevent athlete’s foot. You need to air out your shoes to prevent them from developing a funky odor due to moisture and bacteria buildup that can cause your feet to smell.
  3. Change your socks daily.
  4. Shop for shoes in the afternoon or evening when your feet have fully expanded; you’ll get more comfortable-fitting shoes this way.
  5. Soak your feet in warm water with Epsom salts every now and then to relax and disinfect them. Warm water promotes better blood circulation and Epsom salts are known to get rid of germs and toxins.
  6. Cut your toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.
  7. Scrub your feet with a pumice stone in the bath to get rid of dead skin and prevent the formation of calluses and corns. Moisturize afterwards to prevent drying and cracking.

Foot Care Advice For Women

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