HAPPY NEW YEAR! and Resolution Tips From The Beltsville Foot & Ankle Center
The Beltsville Foot & Ankle Center, Inc would like to wish you a very happy and healthy new year.
Tis’ the season for resolutions and the most common is the resolve to lose weight and become more active.
Before you start a new exercise program, come in for a foot screening to help clear up an old or current injury or to help avoid a new injury that can derail your plans.
Are your feet and/or ankles stopping you from exercising or being more active?
For those of you with current foot and ankle pain, trying to increase your level of activity can be a real problem. That is where we can help. No matter how long you have had foot problems or even if you have been treated unsuccessfully before, we can help you. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes and a new perspective is all your feet need!
We also would like to welcome a new staff member
We would like all current and prospective patients to know we have added an additional staff member to help with patient flow. This allows us to accept emergency referrals and new patients on a daily basis. We would like to encourage you to call our office today if you feel you need to be seen immediately.
The level of pain you are experiencing, the length of time the problem has existed, lack of injury, and lack of visible signs such as swelling, redness, or bruising does not always correlate to the seriousness of your condition.
Early treatment may help you avoid surgery
Nearly every week we treat patients whose conditions would not have escalated to surgical intervention if they had been treated earlier. Click here to see some patient case studies where this was the case.
Our goal at The Beltsville Foot & Ankle Center is to keep people on their feet. If you have an unresolved foot problem that is keeping you from meeting your goals, please let us help you.
Or maybe you currently have no foot issues but plan to start a new exercise program, let us evaluate your foot structure and function to help prevent injury that can derail your plans.
Resolution helper
Resolutions can be hard enough to stick to on their own, don’t let a foot and/or ankle condition make it any harder. Make this year different, we are here to help, call us today.
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