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How Do You Get Flat Feet?

How Do You Get Flat Feet

Flat feet that many also call fallen arches occur because the supportive arch of the foot is flat.

Every person is born with different arches and if they are flexible, flat feet will not be a problem.

However, if you have high arches and they have become flattered, you could feel pain.

The good news is there are treatments that help get rid of the pain.

Simple test that shows whether you have flat feet

You can test yourself at home by getting your feet wet and then standing on something that shows wet patches, such as concrete. Stay for several seconds and step off. If you see a footprint showing the whole of the bottom of your foot, you probably have flat feet.

Footprints of a healthy person have a gap where the arch is raised from the surface. This is a common condition among children simply because their arches fully develop later.

Is it a problem?

Most of the time you don’t have to worry about it. Many people don’t have problems and don’t need treatments. However, flat feet can cause pain in ankles, feet, knees, lower back or hips. It can also be associated with:

The common causes of flat feet

Many people just inherit this condition from parents. It can also be a result of:

Treatments for flat feet

The type of a treatment depends on the type of flat feet, its symptoms and stage of progression. Treatments often include functional orthotics, shoe gear, bracing, physical therapy, weight loss, and casting, to name a few.

Of course, these treatments will not change the shape of your feet, but they help relieve the most common problems associated with flat feet. If these treatments don’t help, you could be referred to a specialist to discuss whether you need a surgery or not.

When surgery is required

Surgery is the last option that is only considered when measures mentioned above don’t work or if you have another problem that can be corrected with a surgery (improperly developed bones, for example). The surgical procedure that you will get always depends on the main cause of your condition.

For instance, feet bones that are joined together or abnormally shaped may need to be separated or straightened, while flat feet that have developed because of problems with connective tissues may be treated by repairing or lengthening the tissues around the foot.

Here’s your next step…

Contact The Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center at 301-937-5666 if you experience pain in your feet or if you have difficulties with walking, or click here to request your appointment online.

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