How To Know If You Have An Overuse Tendon Injury
When most people hear the word “injury” they automatically think of a traumatic event that happened to cause the injury.
However, most tendon injuries seen in the foot occur over a long period of time.
Due to the shape of the foot and the way it functions, certain tendons can become over worked. Over time, this can cause changes in the tendon that result in what appears to be suddenpain and or swelling with no warning.
The majority of tendon pain we see in our office is due to the micro-trauma of regular everyday activities without a sudden or traumatic injury. Most people are unaware that their tendon is injured until it is too late.
Don’t ignore your pain
Others ignore the pain because they cannot recall a cause for it and they feel it will just eventually go away. Chronic tendonitis (inflammation of a tendon) can lead to tendonosis (unhealthy thickening of a tendon), which can then lead to tendon rupture (tear) either partial or complete.
Each foot type is prone to specific tendon injuries:
- Flatfeet – If you have flatfeet, it usually presents itself with pain in your arch. This is almost always sudden in nature and often starts with a “pop” sensation. This is called Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis.
- High Arches – If you have a high arch foot, we often see pain in the tendons of the top of your foot, or extensor tendons, and in your Achilles’ tendon.
- Both Foot Types – Peroneal tendonitis, which occurs on the tendons on the outside of your foot, is equally common in both foot types.
Are you predisposed?
Certain sports can predispose specific tendons of your foot and ankle to overuse injuries.
If you play football, tennis, and/or basketball, you are prone to an Achilles’ tendon injury due to constant pushing off the balls of your feet, when jumping and landing.
Peroneal Tendonitis (on the outside of the foot) and Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis (on the inside of the foot) are common in sports with a lot of side to side lateral motion, such as tennis and soccer.
Running, baseball, and softball can lead to tendon problems in all areas of the foot and ankle, especially if you have an unstable foot.
An alternative to surgery?
While we cannot change the structure of your foot without surgical intervention, we can change the way it functions with custom molded orthotics.
Our custom orthotics are made from a 3D laser scan of your foot while it is in the corrected position. The orthotics support the feet and neutralize muscle imbalances that cause certain muscles to overpower others, which can lead to overuse injuries.
Don’t wait too long
The sooner you are treated after the onset of symptoms, the shorter your recovery time and the less permanent the injury that occurs to the tendon can be. Don’t wait until you are forced to be sidelined from your favorite activities.
Schedule an appointment today
When you come to the Beltsville Foot & Ankle Center for an appointment, we will analyze your x-rays and your gait (or walking) pattern, and can prescribe the best type of orthotic to keep you injury free and active.
Call us today at 301-937-5666 or fill out the short form on the top right of this page to schedule your appointment.
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