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Is Your Foot Pain Normal, Even If It’s Minimal?

Even if you didn’t injure your foot or do anything different before the pain started, such as wearing new shoes, or starting an exercise routine, foot pain that seems to begin suddenly has usually been developing over a long period of time.

The longer you wait to have your foot evaluated and treated, the longer it may take to get back to your pain free state and everyday activity.

Is Foot Pain Normal

Foot pain is not normal and should not be expected at any age. Continuing to ignore the pain could result in worsening of the condition that may have had a simple fix.

When to get checked out

Do not accept foot pain and have your foot checked out as soon as the pain begins. Continuing to ingnore or accept the pain will lead to pain in other areas of the foot and ankle, and a longer healing period.

Where to go

If you are experiencing foot pain, call the Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center today, continuing to ignore or accept the pain will lead to other foot problems.

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