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Pain In Arch Of Foot

Pain In Arch Of Foot

The arch pain that is also called the arch strain refers to a burning sensation or an inflammation at the arch of the foot.

Where are the feet arches?

There is a total of 26 bones in our feet. The metatarsal and tarsal bones are in the middle of the feet supported by muscles, various ligaments and tendons from the arches.

Each foot has two main arches, the transverse arch which is across the width of the foot, and the longitudinal arch which runs down the length of your feet.

The longitudinal arch can then be separated into two, the higher medial arch that is found in the inner side of feet, and the longitudinal arch that is in the outer side of the feet. Any condition that affects the position of arches can lead to pain and limit movement.

The main causes of arch pain

There are many different causes of arch pain. An injury or a structural imbalance is one of the most common causes. However, many also suffer arch pain because of a condition known as plantar fasciitis.

The plantar fascia is a fibrous tissue that is very flexible. But overstretching (often happens due to flat feet) causes plantar fasciitis.

The inflammation caused by this condition leads to severe pain in arch and heel areas. The pain is worse in the morning when you get out of the bed or after a long rest.

If you leave this condition untreated and strain on the arches continues, you can develop a heel spur. Therefore, you should treat this condition before it gets worse.

How to treat and prevent arch pain

Arch pain is a common condition that can be easily treated. If you suffer from arch pain try to avoid tight shoes and heels. Choose footwear with soft leather uppers, reasonable heel, removable insoles and shock absorbing soles.

When the arch pain is related to flat feet, special footwear with medical heel spot and arch support is required for healing. This type of shoes can provide the relief and control over-pronation.

Visiting a podiatrist to diagnose arch pain

To come to a proper conclusion, your podiatrist will examine your foot to look for stone or lump bruise in your foot. The podiatrist will also examine your foot for different conditions such as low or high arches and will ensure you don’t have hammertoes.

A podiatrist may also use MRI, X-rays, CT scans and other tests to rule out damage and fractures to tendons, ligaments, and tissues surrounding the foot arches.

Then your podiatrist will ask you about your daily activities, family history, medical history, and symptoms. If you spend a lot of time exercising, running or jumping, you may be at higher risk for pain in the foot arches.

These tests and questions will help a specialist to come to a specific diagnosis and create a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Here’s what to do now…

If you are experiencing arch pain, call us today to schedule an appointment at 301-937-5666 or you can simply click here to request your appointment online. We will give you a thorough examination and help you get pain free as quickly as possible.

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