Should I Go To A Washington DC Pain Clinic For My Foot Pain?
Every time you take a step the pain in your foot gets worse. At this point, you can’t walk normally and you know you need medical help. You ask yourself, “Should I go to a Baltimore pain clinic for my foot pain?”
One huge mistake patients with foot and ankle problems make is going to pain clinics or to doctors who do not specialize in foot and ankle problems.
Think about it this way: If you had a cavity, wouldn’t you call a dentist? If you needed glasses, wouldn’t you call an ophthalmologist? A dentist specializes in teeth. An ophthalmologist specializes in eyes.
Specializes In The Foot And Ankle
So when you have ankle or foot pain, your call should be to a podiatrist – a doctor who specializes in feet and ankles.
Podiatrists are medical doctors who have as many years of schooling under their belts as the family doctor you go to. A podiatrist is also known as a doctor of pediatric medicine (DPM). The job of a podiatrist is to diagnose and treat foot and ankle conditions.
This includes diseases, injuries and other disorders. A podiatrist can perform surgery, and can prescribe medications and physical therapy.
On The Front Lines Of Disease Detection
Podiatrists are often on the front lines of disease detection. Did you know that many diseases manifest their symptoms in the foot and ankle regions? Sometimes these diseases are very serious, like diabetes, arthritis and kidney disease.
Often times, a podiatrist will be the first doctor to detect these conditions in a patient. Because of their specialized training, they know exactly what to look for. Podiatrists are even able to treat skin problems around the foot and ankle (dermatology), and help to correct problems with the musculoskeletal system (orthopedics).
Treat The Problem Not Just The Symptoms
While a pain clinic might have ways to mask pain, a podiatrist will have ways to treat it. Take for example a newly FDA approved laser that many podiatrists are now using to treat painful foot and ankle conditions. This device, called the Diowave Class IV Therapeutic Pain Laser, doesn’t just treat your symptoms – it treats the problem causing your symptoms.
This means that after treatment, there is a good chance that your pain won’t return. No medications with nasty side effects are needed. You won’t find this at a pain clinic.
A podiatrist will know best whether or not you need laser therapy. A podiatrist will know if you happen to need orthotics. He or she will know the best walking boots you can wear, and can have a custom brace made for your ankle.
Don’t Wast Time And Money
So instead of wasting time and money seeking help elsewhere, go to the doctor who knows your feet and ankles best.
When you are in pain, your best option is seeking the help of someone who deals with your specific problem day after day. Your best option is a specialist in foot and ankle care. Your best option is a podiatrist.
What To Do Next
Are you suffering from foot and/or ankle pain? Does it hurt when you walk and stopping you from exercising or playing your favorite sport(s)?
Give us a call today to schedule your appointment or have your questions answered at 301-937-5666 or simply fill out the form on the top right of this page.
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