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Thinking of Undergoing Cosmetic Foot Surgery? Washington, DC Practitioners Weigh In

Undergoing Cosmetic Foot Surgery

In recent years, the number of women (and men) undergoing a set of procedures collectively known as cosmetic foot surgery has steadily increased.

And although the procedure does offer a few functional benefits, its popularity is largely driven by aesthetic reasons.

What are these procedures?

Some example of these procedures include:

According to some practitioners which offer these procedures, people are simply looking for a way to make their feet look good and eliminate some of the pain and hassles associated with wearing some types of footwear.

Other patients say that they have undergone cosmetic foot surgery not just for appearance, but more importantly, to prevent arthritis a few years down the line.

Cosmetic foot surgery was introduced in the late 1990s and has surged in popularity ever since. But despite the growing popularity of this procedure, some podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons are voicing serious concerns.

A key concern that you should be aware of if you are mulling over the idea of undergoing cosmetic foot surgery would be the complications sometimes associated with surgeries. These include infections and problems related with the use of anesthesia.

It also does not help that human feet are delicate, consisting of bones, joints, nerves and tendons. Although most surgeries are completed successfully, complications can and do arise. Complications include the failure of bones to properly fuse, the formation of scar tissue, and nerve damage.

A botched cosmetic foot surgery can limit your ability to use your feet for the simple things that you enjoy like dancing or participating in sports. Also, even if the procedure goes well as planned, you need to be prepared for the tradeoff in balance.

This is why it is very important, that if you do decide to have any procedure done, that you make sure you are selecting a foot doctor that is experienced and qualified.

The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS), American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) both discourage the general public from undergoing foot surgery for cosmetic reasons alone. Overall, the general consensus among the experts is that if your feet are working just fine, you should not undergo surgery for your feet. The risks simply outweigh the benefits.

However if you are suffering from a painful condition such as a bunion, these types of procedures can help with unsightly bumps on the side of your foot.

Before you decide on any surgical procedure of the foot, you should have a consultation with a podiatrist that is Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery.

They will be able to give you a thorough examination and outline all your options along with any risks associated with the procedure(s).

So, what’s your next step…

If you are considering any type of foot procedure give us a call at 301-937-5666 or click here to request your consultation online.

All of the podiatrist here are Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and will be able to go over your options with you.

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