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Top 7 Foot and Ankle Surgery Procedures in Washington DC

Foot and Ankle Surgery Procedures in Washington DC

Are you interested in learning about foot and ankle surgery procedures? Washington DC has some great podiatrists who can help you with any injury or condition involving your feet and ankles.

Surgery is usually recommended to relive chronic pain, restore function in the foot and/or ankle, or correct a deformity in the shape of your feet or toes.

In most cases, foot surgery is elective and only considered when no other treatments work efficiently.

Here is an overview of some of the surgical procedures available in the DC area:

1.) Metatarsal surgery

Some forms of arthritis lead to problems with the joints in the forefoot, due to the inflammation of the lining. The small joints, or metatarsophalangeal joints, can actually become dislocated. The pain and discomfort can become so severe that surgery is considered. The specifics of the procedure and follow-up depend on the severity of the case. It’s not uncommon for the heads of the MTPJs to be removed.

2.) Ankle replacement

Sometimes the ends of the tibia and talus bones become so worn that they need to be taken out and replaced with artificial ends made of metal or plastic. Replacement ankle joints can last for up to fifteen years, just as long as you are careful.

3.) Ankle fusion

This process involves removing the damaged joint and actually fusing the talus bone to the tibia, resulting in a stiff ankle that is free from pain. The fusion is done at a right angle to the leg, and the bones are held together with screws, over which new bone grows across to complete. In some cases, ankle fusion can be performed through a small cut so that the joint does not have to be opened up.

4.) Bunions

These lumps can be very annoying, so it’s not surprising that bunion removal is a common surgery. If you’ve been dealing with the symptoms for a long time, perhaps you should talk to a podiatrist about your surgery options. In advanced cases, fusion surgery may be required. While fusion provides instant pain relief, it means that you will no longer be able to bend your toe, so wearing certain types of shoes will not be possible.

5.) Morton’s neuroma

When there is pain involving a nerve that supplies feeling to your third and fourth toes, surgery might be recommended to have that nerve removed. The procedure can be done in a day and you will have to wear a bandage for a couple of weeks afterwards.

6.) Achilles tendon disorders

The muscle in your lower leg puts considerable force through the Achilles tendon when you move. It begins to wear with age, and can lead to painful swellings where it attaches to the heel bone. On occasion, surgery is used as a method of treatment. Crutches are usually needed afterwards.

7.) Tibialis posterior dysfunction

The tibialis posterior muscle supports the shape of the instep arch. When there is inflammation of the tendon connecting this muscle to the bone, there is swelling and pain on the inside of the ankle. After awhile, the swelling can cause weakness in the tendon, giving you a flatfooted look. Some cases are so bad that surgery is required to rebuild the instep arch. Waiting too long for treatment can lead to the hindfoot joints needing to be fused.

There are also surgical procedures available to treat or correct the following problems:

Here’s What To Do Now…

Nobody likes the thought of surgery, contact The Beltsville Foot And Ankle Center today at 301-937-5666 for a comprehensive evaluation to discuss all of your options.

If you do end up needing any foot and ankle surgery procedures in Washington DC , all of the podiatrists are Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery.

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