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Why Does My Big Toe Always Hurt?

Why Does My Big Toe Always Hurt?

Pain anywhere in the body is bothersome, especially when it doesn't seem to let up, no matter what you try. Big toe pain is one of the many issues that drives you crazy and makes it difficult to enjoy the things you love.

Unfortunately, many people deal with big toe joint pain — but why? Many causes of pain in the big toe make it even harder to pinpoint the cause without expert examination.

At Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center, Dr. David Deiboldt and his team provide consultations, diagnostic tools, and treatments for big toe pain and other issues affecting the foot and ankle. Dr. Deiboldt is an experienced podiatrist who gets to the bottom of the problem quickly so you can finally get relief.

Causes of big toe pain

Your foot has many bones, tendons, and ligaments that help you walk and hold your weight throughout the day. Because you're on your feet a lot and there are so many components, it's no surprise when something starts to hurt.

The big toe is one of the foot parts that can feel uncomfortable and painful, but not always from an injury. When the big toe hurts, it's sometimes excruciating and keeps you from what you love – but why?

Many problems are associated with the big toe joint, many of which cause pain as a symptom. If you're struggling with pain in the big toe, it may be from any of the following:

Hallux rigidus

Hallux rigidus is a form of arthritis that causes pain and stiffness in the big toe, typically at the base of the joint.


Many types of arthritis affect the big toe joint, including osteoarthritis and gout. Osteoarthritis causes the joints in the toe to break down, while gout forms from ingesting too many purines, causing crystals to form in the joint.

Turf toe

Turf toe is a type of injury that athletes may sustain while playing sports. It's a sprain of the MTP joint, usually from the toe bending backward too far.

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails, prevalent in the big toe, happen when the nail's corner embeds itself into the skin, causing pain and discomfort, especially when wearing shoes.


A bunion is a deformity on the side of the big toe. Faulty foot mechanics and genetic foot structures cause the large bone in the big toe to shift, forming a bump on the outer aspect of the joint, which is often painful.


Pain under the big toe or in the ball of the foot could be from sesamoiditis. This condition causes painful swelling of the sesamoids, which are bones that attach to each other with tendons.

Home remedies that help

Many people try to treat big toe pain independently with home care, especially in the early stages of discomfort. If you're able to walk and your pain is tolerable, some home care tips can help, which include:

You can also wear shoe inserts and choose comfortable footwear to help manage big toe joint pain. Although these home care remedies won't necessarily fix the problem, they can provide much-needed pain relief.

When should I get professional care?

Home care helps some people with big toe pain, but what if it persists despite rest and other conservative measures? Any time you're dealing with pain that doesn't go away with home care, you should seek professional care.

Big toe pain has many causes, and you may be unable to narrow them down alone. Dr. Deiboldt has the knowledge and expertise to get to the bottom of the problem. He evaluates your foot and toe and orders diagnostic imaging tests like an X-ray or MRI.

Once he finds the root of the problem, Dr. Deiboldt discusses treatment options for long-term relief. He offers both conservative measures and surgical options for big toe pain.

Treatments for big toe pain

The treatment you require depends heavily on the cause of your pain. Dr. Deiboldt offers various treatment options for arthritis, hallux rigidus, and bunions. You may benefit from any of the following therapies for your big toe:

Dr. Deiboldt also offers surgical correction of the big toe joint if other measures haven't worked or your severe pain limits your normal activities. He's happy to provide the Titanium Resurfacing Implant as a surgical option for patients with big toe joint pain from arthritis, hallux rigidus, or an unstable MTP joint.

Call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Deiboldt at Beltsville Foot and Ankle Care today for big toe joint pain, or request one on our website.


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