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Why Should You See a Podiatrist for Gout?

Why Should You See a Podiatrist for Gout?

Gout refers to a form of arthritis that can occur out of nowhere causing pain and sore aching feet. The main cause of gout is a chemical substance in our bodies called uric acid. It can invade the tendons of the foot and cause great pain.

What Happens During a Gout Attack?

When uric acid comes into the joints (often the big toe joint is affected the most), a gout attack in the foot appears. If we recall a high school chemistry lesson, any liquid can hold a certain amount of solids dissolved in that liquid. Furthermore, the warmer liquid can hold more solids than cold liquid. Picture dissolving sugar in cold versus hot water.

In relationship to grout, blood is the liquid and uric acid is the solid. Blood gets cooler when it gets further away from our core and can’t hold all of the uric acid dissolved in it.

The reactions begin when the uric acid enters the joints. Since it should not be there the body mounts an immune response to the foreign body. This is a gout attack.

The Symptoms of a Gout Attack

Severe pain around and in the toe joints is a common symptom of a gout attack. The joint gets hot, red, and swollen. Any motion or touch hurts. Many people say that if the gout attack starts at night, even the weightof the bed sheets feels painful.

Often gout is confused with hot, red symptoms of infections but there is no injury where bacteria can cause an infection. Symptoms of gout often mimic an injury, but without any trauma.


The treatment of the disease must start with a proper diagnosis. You should visit a podiatrist for gout. They can prescribe oral anti-inflammatory medications, which will manage the attack and the pain. If the gout attack happens in the toe, doctors will elevate the foot and advise you to avoid walking and standing and wear only loose slippers.


There are foods high in purine that increase uric acid levels and can bring on a gout attack. These foods include shellfish, red meats, salt, beer, and red wine. Some medications that are used to control blood pressure can also cause a gout attack. Besides this, trauma, infection, and stress are among the most common causes.

Drinking seven glasses of water daily, proper medications and eating a healthy diet will reduce the chances of an attack or significantly lessen the severity if it occurs. If you have a family history of gout, visit a podiatrist regularly to reduce the potential for the attack.

Here’s What To Do Next…

If gout attacks continue, even when taking proper medication, if arthritis causes discomfort, or if there are deposits of crystals within a joint, surgical treatment may be necessary.

Call us today at 301-937-5666 or click here and receive the advanced gout treatment. Our podiatrists will discuss the ongoing and future treatment plan with you and provide you with appropriate footwear choices that unburden high-pressure areas and improve pain levels.

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