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Why Some People Get Ingrown Toenails

Why Some People Get Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a portion of the toenail grown into the skin on the side of the nail. This can cause redness, swelling, and sometimes infection.

Ingrown toenails can be caused by:


Shoes that cause extra pressure on your toes can cause ingrown toenails. This can be from shoes that are too small for your feet or too narrow for your toes. This can be made worse by wearing high heels or participating in athletics. Wearing properly fitting shoes can help prevent ingrown toenails.

Clipping Your Toenails

You want to make sure that you clip your toenails straight across and not rounded. When you round off your toenails it can cause them to curl down and possible grow into your skin. Cutting them too short can pose a risk as well so make sure to keep them even with the end of your toes.

What If I already have an ingrown toenail?

Is the side of your toe swollen and painful? Does it hurt when you walk on it? If you already have an ingrown toenail it is best to consult the help of a professional podiatrist (foot doctor). The pain can usually be resolved on the first visit and the procedure only takes a few minutes. Ingrown toenails can lead to infection so make sure to see a professional right away.

What if I have recurring ingrown toenails?

If you keep getting ingrown toenails we can give you tips on how to try and prevent them in the future. We also have different treatment options to help prevent future occurrences as well.

Qualified Podiatrists

The podiatrists at the Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center are Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. They have extensive experience diagnosing and treating ingrown toenails. They can perform a quick procedure to resolve the issue and have you resuming your regular activities very quickly. Most patients are surprised at how quick the procedure is and report feeling very little discomfort.

Schedule an appointment to visit our Beltsville Maryland Location conveniently located near College Park, Laurel, Hyattsville, Greenbelt, Silver Spring, and Washington D.C.

Your Next Step

Same day appointments are available. Please call 301-937-5666 to make an appointment. If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact us on 301-937-5666 as we are here to help.


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